Monday, December 7, 2009

Workin' Hard...

It was the first weekend in December and instead of getting ready for Christmas, our whole family was workin' hard! Oh, and having TONS of fun at the same time! Check us out!

I got to spend part of the weekend at Debby and Dida's house, and it snowed! They already had a shovel just my size for their deck, so I got to be a helper on the driveway! Don't I look like a pro?

Mommy and Daddy spent the weekend at Crooked Creek for Wyld Life Snow Camp. I can't wait till I'm old enough to go! Here's Daddy with the guys before the "crud war"...

And here's Mommy and Aunt Andrea- they look so silly!

1 comment:

Christy Parker said...

Wow Xander, you look like quite the good shoveler....maybe you could help me in Chicago once you're done helping Grandpa Sam :-)