Monday, May 17, 2010

a quick break

hey everyone! whew! things have been a little crazy around here... not much time to blog! it's nice outside today so i've been mowing the lawn, scooping dirt, shooting hoops- so much to do! and mommy and daddy are a little tired because i guess Kolby wakes up hungry at night- I'm sure I never did that-so they aren't sleeping as well as normal.

Kolby is just about 5 weeks old now (will post her 1 month picture soon!) and we're having so much fun! She still isn't big enough to play with me, but I think she's really cute and I love being a big brother!

This is Kolby's 1st "photo shoot" with Aunt Andrea. Doesn't she look pretty?

Here's Kolby with Great Grandma and Sally... we went up to Boulder for lunch a couple weeks ago!

Here she is with Dida- showing off her cool flower headband!

And, here's Nana with Kolby and Baby Cousin River! He is 8 days younger than Kolby! I have a cousin!!!

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