Thursday, October 29, 2009

snow days!

So, I'm not really in school yet, but yesterday and today are snow days! All the schools are closed and we have over a foot of snow at our house! So pretty! We hung out at home yesterday- I helped Mommy make cookies, we played in my kitchen, and had Aunt Katy and Kiki over for dinner!

Deac and I had fun out in the snow- don't worry, I had a coat and mittens on outside :)
Mommy took these pictures of our yard so you could see just how much snow we have- this one is the diving board for our pool!

And this is our patio table- it has 3 carved pumpkins sitting on it, but now you can't see them!


Christy Parker said...

WOW Xander! That is a lot of snow :) Looks so fun and I LOVE your little snowpants!!! Have your daddy help you make a snow cave, he's very good at it.

Kara said...

Wow - can't even imagine. But glad you don't have lax parents who'd let you outside without a coat and mittens (I was worried - ha!).

By the way, you're looking quite big-brotherly these days...