Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Lots has happened in the last week, and I'm pretty busy eating Halloween candy now, so here's a quick rundown...

It snowed last week so we played outside! Kolby- not a huge fan. Meanwhile, Mommy & I built a snowman, snow fort, and Daddy & I shoveled (my fav!)

Last night was Halloween so we headed to Brooks' house! I was a puppy (my mom's costume that Debby made her!), and Kolby was Piglet. Kolby kept saying "treat", "thank you", and "heavy"- as she got more and more candy, the pumpkin got heavy I guess. YUM- I LOVE CANDY!

Here's our fam all dressed up- Daddy was some funny looking guy named "Goose" from an old movie (Mommy said he looked good), and you can't really tell, but Mommy was "Super Mom"- she had a superman shirt, an apron, and her work out clothes. She claimed with that outfit she could "do it all!". She is pretty super...


1 comment:

Christy Parker said...

YAY! I was not-so-patiently waiting for Halloween pics. Loved them! Puppy and Piglet - so fun! Glad you got lots of good candy!